About Information Dignity Alliance is a voice for individuals and communities to ensure notions of autonomy, dignity, and privacy flourish by employing existing laws to advocate for the public interest. . Information Dignity. Information is more important than ever. Data is considered the new oil. And, almost everyone in the digital age is an author of creative works eligible for protection under copyright law. All of this information is essential for individuals and communities to flourish. The IDA advocates for information dignity. Information dignity is ethically-sourced, responsibly-used information. Not Just Privacy. Most privacy-centric advocates focus on the over-use of information. But, restricting information flow does not always address the concern raised by specific information practices. Indeed, sometimes using information is the solution. Thus, the IDA adopts a holistic understanding of information practices, as opposed to just fighting for the restriction of information. Using the Laws We Have. In the fight against information misuse, instead of advocating for the enactment or promulgation of new laws to combat problems, the IDA advocates for information dignity by using unrealized aspects of existing laws. The IDA primarily focuses on tort, constitutional, and copyright law. CONTACT